The Weirdest Dude On Earth

Well, my roommate wanted himself to play a big role on this crappy page, so I made this crappy extension. Okay, he is nineteen years old, he is from a suburb of Chicago, Illinois, and he is really messy. Our room is thoroughly messed right now. He is pledging right now to some fraternity called Sigma Ki, hell if I know how to spell it. He is not the worst roommate in the world, we cannot all be perfect like me, but I do not mind him. What else, well, he wanted me to write something about this chick down the hell named Sarah, he thinks she is like one of the weirdest chicks ever, like him, but he is a male. Some other chick down the hall named Ashly I think he wanted me to mention as well. I do not know what else to include about this guy, he has an earring in one ear, I will let you decide which one you think it is. That is it for now, if he wants anything else about himself, he will have to tell me.

Here is the bastard's email address: Michael.